We’re celebrating our book’s ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY this month!
Celebrate with us!
Here’s our publisher’s gift to you: Leading Small Groups that Thrive: Five Shifts to Take Your Group to the Next Level is 50% off this week! Buy one or a bunch today for 50% off at churchsource.com [Code: Birthday]!
Give a gift to a friend! Tell others about Leading Small Groups That Thrive, and we’ll send a friend of your choice a book ON US (for the first 25 people who take the 2 steps below)!
Here’s how to get in on the action:
1. Tell others what from Leading Small Groups that Thrive has been meaningful or helpful to you in the last year on social media using @thrivinggroups and #thrivinggroupsbirthday.
2. Send an email to support@thrivinggroups.com with a screenshot of your post AND the name and mailing address of a person you’d like to gift our book!
We’ll then send them the book and tell them that a great friend thought they should have it.
Thanks for celebrating with us this month!