
Lifegroups Are Not Always Life-Giving

By Jessica Dixon, Children’s Ministry Associate, Storyline Church The Church is realizing that it is intended to do life together and remain interconnected. The Church should be as interdependent as the organs and tissues of the body. Paul’s words, in Romans 12:4 illustrate this idea, “For as in one body we have many members, and the […]

Webinar Video: Ask the Experts


XPastor Webinar

David Fletcher talks with Courtney and Ryan

Group Answers Podcast

On this episode of Group Answers, Brian Daniel and Chris Surratt sit down with the authors of the recently released book, Leading Small Groups that Thrive.

Carolyn Taketa Podcast Group Talk, Here to There, Small Group Network

Interview with Jason and Courtney

Why Purpose Driven Small Groups Thrive

Paving the way for spiritual growths in small groups, from

Invest: Pouring into Emerging Leaders

Part 3 of a 3-part series on Identifying, Inviting, and Investing in New LeaderRyan T. Hartwig, Courtney W. Davis, and Jason Sniff for

Identify, Then Invite: Giving Potential Leaders Opportunity

Part 2 of a 3-part series on Identifying, Inviting, and Investing in New LeadersRyan T. Hartwig, Courtney W. Davis, and Jason Sniff for

The Time is Now: You’ve Got to Identify New Leaders

by Courtney W. Davis, Jason Sniff, and Ryan T. Hartwig for

Foothill Church Footnotes Podcast

Courtney Davis, joins to talk community and why it matters.

Women Who Love Jesus Podcast

Kristin Stockfisch and Courtney Davis

When God Takes Your Dream in a Direction You Never Imagined

Devoted Dreamers Podcast with Merritt Onsa and Courtney Davis

How to Lead Your Small Group to the Next Level

Review of “Leading Small Groups That Thrive” from Influence Magazine

Taking Your Small Group to the Next Level

Jason Sniff outlines five shifts leaders must make

5 Pitfalls to Avoid in Developing Small Group Leaders

Outreach Magazine, excerpted From Leading Small Groups That Thrive By Ryan Hartwig, Courtney Davis and Jason Sniff